Our website utilises cookies to differentiate you from other users, enhancing your browsing experience and aiding in site improvement. By continuing to browse, you consent to our use of cookies.

Cookies are small files containing letters and numbers stored on your browser or computer’s hard drive if you agree, transferring information to your device.

We employ various types of cookies:

  1. Strictly necessary cookies: essential for website operation.
  2. Analytical/performance cookies: help us understand visitor numbers and behavior to enhance site functionality.
  3. Functionality cookies: recognise you upon return, allowing personalised content and preferences.
  4. Targeting cookies: track website visits and interactions to tailor content and ads to your interests.
  5. Form-related cookies: remember submitted data for future correspondence via our contact form.

Please note that third parties may also use cookies, such as advertising networks or web traffic analysis services, beyond our control.

You can manage cookie settings in your browser, but blocking all cookies may limit site access. Most cookies, excluding essential ones, expire after a set period.

For more information on cookies, including management and deletion, visit allaboutcookies.org.

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We strive to reply to enquiries the same day. However, if your enquiry is urgent, please call our team on 01554 746 746 who will be able to answer your enquiry much sooner.