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Our Specialist Hygiene team can cater to all your commercial cleaning needs, the kitchen being one of them. Why do it yourself when you can use your time more effectively.

1. Time Management

One benefit of outsourcing is saving you time. If you’re responsible for the commercial kitchen hygiene, it may be time consuming cleaning it yourselves. Our specialist team can clean outside of your working hours to minimse distruption to your business. This is very appealing to fast paced business environments.

2. Compliance

If you’re business is audited or regulated, you may have to adhear to strict guidelines. If this is the case, then you would be familiar with the BESA TR 19® standard. Some businesses need their certificates to comply with company procedures.

3. Insurance

Depending on your insurance provider, they may require a valid TR 19 ® certificate. Some providers don’t require this as a criteria for cover, but it’s worth checking before having your kitchen cleaned by any specialist hygiene company.

4. Health & Safety

To maintain a safe working environment, there are a few things you should consider to uphold a high standard of safety for your staff & customers. Over a period of time, grease is extracted into the ducting and needs to be cleaned regularly. If it doesn’t, it can be a potential fire risk due to the grease’s flammability. You also want to consider cleaning your ducting to increase the quality of air which effects your working staff.

5. Standard

Whether you’re a large company or a small family run business, we should all try our best to make a good first impression. If the kitchens are dirty, it doesn’t appeal to customers that walk into your restaruant or pubs. You may think you can achieve a high standard of cleaning by yourselves, but our experienced team can clean even the hardest of places. With a clean commercial kitchen not only will you impress your customers, but will also keep your staff happy.

Taylor Rees
January 28, 2020

Further Reading