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Returning to work is going to be the next challenge faced by the UK, as we begin the phased return to work across business and industry.

For many, the last two months have been a time of increased uncertainty, with business closures, building shutdowns and staff furlough schemes being introduced.

So the next question faced by many businesses and employers is, how can I ensure a safe return to work for my staff, contractors and customers?

How can we support your plans?

We have expert teams who are ready to advise and deliver on the services required to implement comprehensive strategies, carefully considering and managing the risk.

Our 3-part strategy clearly outlines the measures that we can support you to take: Check. Control. Prevent.

1. Check

  • Check if a site visitor is essential. Non-essential visits should be postponed for a later date when it is safe to do so.
  • Check the entrance and exit points to your building and site, adapting a clear strategy for access and egress
  • Check your foot-traffic flows, ensuring you can enforce 2m social distancing between personnel. 
  • Check for symptoms of all essential site visitors, including your staff, contractors and essential site visitors. 

2. Control

  • Controlling site hygiene will be an important measure for any business looking to return to work, ensuring not only the hygiene of the premises but also personal hygiene.
  • Controlling, overseeing and enforcing measures such as foot-traffic flows and car park management will be a key point to consider to ensure social distancing is maintained.
  • Controlling and ensuring continued business operations, while handling increased staff absence and leave may also become a concern for some businesses.

3. Prevent

  • Preventing and limiting the risk of spreading the virus in the workplace will be an important factor for many employees when considering whether they feel their place of work is safe.
  • Prevent the concern by introducing a routine cleaning service, covering high touch areas, rest areas and washrooms.
  • Limit the risk of spread by introducing a scheduled bio-misting service that works to sanitise workspaces effectively and efficiently.

Sourcing experienced support

With a variety of scenarios to consider, operating in-line with government guidelines and legislation will present a number of challenges for many businesses. With a variety of support options to consider, it can prove difficult to understand which options may be best for your premises, site and business.

At CSA, we offer a modular approach to our service lines, allowing our clients the opportunity to build a package around their changing needs. With this in mind, we have comprised a comprehensive suite of “return to work” services to support this aim.

Our mission as we progress through the later stages of the global crisis is to get you back to work and keep you safe while you are there.

Taylor Rees
May 18, 2020

Further Reading